Thursday, December 17, 2009

Life Post

The possibility of life on your body.

My body specifically most likely doesn't have water. The nickel- iron type most likely doesn't have water. The stony are believed to have a possibly small amount of water. The stony-iron have a little bit of water. The asteroids that orbit through mars, don't have water because the heat of the sun dried it all out. The ones farther away contain some water, but as ice. My body doesn't have a magnetic field. Asteroids aren't massive enough to hold mass. Not enough mass means not enough gravitational pull which means no atmosphere. I don't think that there is life.


Mars is located between Earth and Jupiter. It is in the region of the asteroid belt. It is about 1.5 Au away from the sun. Scientist believe there has been life on Mars. There are many reasons for this. One of the reasons were because they discovered methane of Mars. I believe that there could possibly be life on Mars.

Monday, December 14, 2009


Space is measured by units. (meters,miles, km, etc.) Au, Km, and ly are different ways to measure space or distance. Au (astronomical unit) is the distance between earth and the sun. 1 Au equals 150 million km. One light year equals 63239.2493 Au. You use light years to measure the distance to things in outer space like stars or galaxies.

My body is about 588.8 million miles away from Earth. Since my body is located between mars and Jupiter, the farthest it could be is 588.8 million miles away from Earth because that is how far away Jupiter is. Gailie's spacecraft was originally suppose to take 2 years to go from Earth straight to Jupiter. But it turned out to take 6 years. It would most likely not be possible for humans to make it to the end of the Asteroid belt, but it could be possible to make it to part of the Asteroid belt. So it is possible to make it there.