Monday, November 23, 2009

Hermes Asteroid Accretion

This how Hermes Asteroids formed. Gas and Dust collect in a nebula. Particles start to join together. Small objects form through accretion. After that the Asteroids start to form. Large objects cant accrete because the gravity of Jupiter and Mars pull at them. Now they exist in an Asteroid Belt of small objects and cant become planets.

accretion- when two objects collide and make a bigger object.

fussion- when atoms collide and fuse together.

plasma- a state of matter that is hotter than gas and more dense then solids

supernova-an explosion that produces star.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Why Pluto is not planet

Pluto is no longer considered a planet. It was once considered a planet a while ago. It is no longer considered a planet because it no doesn't fit the "rules" to be a planet. In order to be considered a planet, you would have to be a sphere, have enough gravitational pull to govern all the objects around it, which would clear the orbit, and it would have to orbit a star. Pluto does not have enough gravitational pull to govern the objects around it. Scientist have recently discovered that Pluto can not clear its orbit. It keeps crashing into different objects. My body is not considered a planet. It isn't planet because it does not fit any of the concepts in being a planet. It is an asteroid. Since it is an asteroid, it is not a perfect sphere. It does not orbit a star. It is on the asteroid belt, which orbits between Mars and Jupiter. It can't clear its path because it doesn't have gravity.


Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Size of hermes asteroid

The size of Hermes Asteroid in diameter is .9 km. About 1546666 Hermes Asteroids fit into the sun.

Asteroid 'near-miss' with Earth next Monday.jpg